Wednesday 29 August 2012

Don Bosco and mission

The focal point between formation and mission.
                                                            By Cl. Mavron Fernandez.
 “I would like to go with you myself but since I cannot do so this constitutions will take my place.” Don Bosco said to Fr. Cagliero.
The constitutions which written by our father and founder Don Bosco explain his characteristic spirit. It is this that presents a harmonious integration of the gospel interaction and concrete life structures. It goes beyond the institutional requirements or norms and highlights the spiritual aspects more than the judicial. Don Bosco made every effort to transfuse his very self into to the constitutions. He taught, formed, guided and led all his Salesians in the pedagogy of the gospel. Not only this he also handed a copy of them to Fr.Cagliero who led the first missionary expedition saying, “Go on, here is Don Bosco coming with you.” This imagery brings to light the tangential point where the formative and the missionary aspect of don Bosco meet.
Don Bosco thus makes it the rule of life for his sons, us Salesians to follow him not leaving us without the grace of Christ and the guidance of Mary our mother.

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