If you must believe in
something, try a little to believe in the following. Believe that the whole
trip in this world is a safari. Dust, sweat, blood, tears and fears are part of
the ride. Enjoy it! I do. Because, ‘He owns
the road’.

Life is full of
surprises, not all of them pleasant, but believe in God. Because He owns all of
us. there are quite simply two things we can do when sorrow comes crawling all over us; we can hate Him
(impossible) or love Him. Better to love Him because more often than not we
don’t know why not so good things are happening to us, but He does. He rules!!!
In the Bible it is said God even knows the movement of a blade of grass and
that is comforting. He is always there. God never forsakes his own people. It
is we who should not collapse when all about us collapses, get a grip, He
oversees the rising sun, the waxing moon, the shining stars, the growing
flowers, the cooking of a Biryani or making a lemon juice. He is present and
watches our every movements from the blinking of an eye to dancing on the feet.
Inspite of all these, we can cry and bear our cross or smile and bear our
cross; either way we have the cross, better to smile and bear it for that is
when we will become witnesses of His Mercy and Love. Yes, He owns the road the
very destiny of our life. Having understood this, then one can claim of having
become a merciful witness of the gospel to those entrusted in our care. Through
all these we will resemble God. We will have become His Instruments proclaiming
his good news to all the earth. Believe, that the God who owns our destiny, our
very life, including you and me will continue pouring out His manifold
blessings of love and mercy in the mission entrusted to us, through us.
Before I conclude let
me caution you that: I am not just talking or writing through my hat…it means a
lot to me. I have been through some thorny fields myself, I have been hurt and
I have failed… but you know what? I believe that ‘He owns the road’.
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