Wednesday, 12 August 2015


Work, work and work. Yes, all we want is work and a day with 24 hours seems to be too short. No sooner we realize the dawn and begin putting our hands in multiple tasks the day is gone and it’s already bed time. We get so much immersed in the activities that we forget the very purpose of work itself.  Most of us overload ourselves with so many unnecessary activities that at the end of the day we neither find satisfaction in work nor find meaning in life. When such situations arise we begin to question about the purposefulness of life. However, there are some who never question anything in life. They work like robots. They are workaholics. Such types of people are neither creative nor enjoy the dynamism of life because they do not have time to consider new ventures or observe surprises. They are so caught up in their work that they have no time to think anything other than the work they do. Hence, if people want to be more creative and enthusiastic in life they need to distance themselves from the work they do. Distancing from the work place gives a fresh vision to the existing work and adds new inputs in the work and also renews the zest for work life.

We strain and stress ourselves unnecessarily. We want to accomplish all the works possible. Our urge to work becomes much more when the task is entrusted to us. We get enthused with burning desire to complete the task. For instance, let us consider the life of a missionary. He strongly feels deep within the missionary mandate given by Lord Jesus and he leaves no stones unturned in fulfilling the mandate. He totally immersed himself in the tasks trying to do all the good possible for the people entrusted to his care. Working tirelessly for months and years without any breaks, the missionary gets drowned in the river of works. He carries on the very same work and in the same way as he began it. He preaches the very same sermon and in the very same manner which does not make any impact in the lives of the people he is working for. Yet, he believes that he is very busy and that he has no time to take a leave for a few days to pray and reflect. He would even justify himself saying that he shall rest in heaven. No doubt working is good but getting lost in achieving the quantity of work and losing the sight of the quality of work is not what Lord Jesus would want. For Jesus himself would say to his disciple when they returned from the missions “… lets go off into the remote place…” (Mk 6: 30-34).

Distancing from work temporarily is not a waste of time but it gives fresh vision and clarity to ongoing works. Distancing from works widen ones horizons, help to see reality in a new way. Temporarily dwelling in different atmosphere, confronting different realities, and meeting people with different life styles opens up closed mentality and gives new perspectives to work life. Distancing from work helps to look work in a new way because distancing gives the bird eye view to evaluate the work. Distancing also rejuvenates with innovative ideas and gives fresh energy to delve into the mission. Distancing is important for it gives one the opportunity to sharpen the saw rather than struggling hard with blunt saw to accomplish the task. Distancing helps to view things differently and makes one more intelligent and smart as well.

Hence, I would say that taking a leave for sometime from the work is necessary for it adds new colours to life and work. In this connection I would say that the weekend is the most beneficial part of the week because it gives the opportunity to refocus the priority of life which otherwise is forgotten due to commercial works. Children are the jewels of parents but often they are forgotten by their parents due to heavy load of work. However, the weekend gives them opportunity to consider and redirect their life. Similarly, all human beings must take a break from the task they do for it gives freshness to life and everything around life.
Romanius Barwa

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