Monday, 11 November 2013

Missionary Week at Divyadaan, Nashik

In view of the Salesian Mission Day (SMD)2014, the community of Divyadaan celebrated the Missionary Week from 4th November to 9th November. The traditional Salesian Mission Day (11th November) was anticipated due to the celebration of the community day. The Missionary group of Divyadaan helped the community with variety of prayer services focus on the missionary zeal in the community.
The Missionary week began with the Holy Eucharist on 4th November. Fr. Savio D’Souza, the Rector, preached on the theme of the Mission Day – “We are the Others”, sharing Christ’s love with the migrants. He explained the different aspects of the migrants all over the world and how Don Bosco himself was a migrant during his boyhood and Christ who came as a migrant to the world leaving his heavenly abode. The inaugural prayer service put the community to be oriented towards the missionary dimension of the Salesian apostolate.
On 5th. Nov. a short documentary on the Salesian mission in Angola from the Missions department made the community meditate on the need of Salesian mission around the globe.  The Holy Mass was presided over by Rev Fr Paul Olphindro SDB, the Vice Provincial of Silchar Province who spoke about the nature of Salesian Missionary as the one who is with Jesus, Don Bosco and the people of the missions. The community was blessed with the visit of Fr. Fabio Attard SDB, the General Councilor for Youth Apostolate. His presence and talks added more fuel to the fervour of the missionary week.
Keeping up the theme and the message of the SMD, a Missionary Rosary was dedicated for the migrants from each continent. The Missionary Rosary was designed by Archbishop Fulton J Sheen in 1951 that dedicates each decade for a continent.
There was also a conference on New Evangelization from a veteran Salesian Missionary of Africa, Rev. Fr. Tony D’Souza SDB, who is the confessor of Divyadaan. He urged the young Salesians to give attention to the faith formation in the ministry. He also shared his mission experience in Africa and the evangelization in the different counties in Africa.
An adoration service was also conducted to thank the Almighty for the missionaries who worked in this sub-continent and also for the missionary vocations from different parts of the country especially for the missionary aspirants, pre-novices and novices.

A week of mission orientation in this post-novitiate community culminated with the concluding Eucharist in the morning and in the evening with the prayer service. During the concluding prayer service a video on the theme ‘We are the Others’ from the mission department was screened along with the prayer for the Mission Day. All the brothers appreciated the programme of the missionary week  and found it both informative and inspiring .   

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