Thursday, 29 November 2012

Nelson Mudaliar
The community of Divyadaan celebrated the community day on 8th of November,2012. The theme chosen was – ‘United in Love to radiate God.’ This theme is in keeping with the Letter of Rector Major exhorting us to be Mystics, Prophets and servants all embodied in the person of Christ.
As 11th November draws near, my thoughts went on a ride to explore what it really means to be  a Missionary. Various insights came to my mind, I shall put forth those ideas in the form of a story.
The Abbot of a certain monastery called a novice just after tea. He requested him to get ready to come with him to preach in the village nearby. The novice washed his face, packed his haversack and carried a Bible along with him. The Abbot waited patiently for his novice at the entrance. The novice filled with exuberance approached the Abbot. The Abbot looked at his novice, smiled at him and said, “My dear, all that is needed is you, yourself.” The novice kept everything inside and accompanied the Abbot. The novice inquired about the topic that he was to preach on the Abbot ignored this request and started marveling at the beauty of fields that they were crossing. They exchanged pleasant greetings along the way. In a solitary place, under the cover of a Banyan tree, the Abbot together the novice sat down to pray. A family asked them for tea to which they accepted. They chatted with the family. As they proceeded further they helped a farmer gather his hens. And then they started back to the monastery.
The novice was surprised since the Abbot didn’t keep his word of preaching in the village. The Abbot somewhat sensing this complimented the novice, “You’ve been good you will become a very good preacher.” “But, Master we didn’t preach today.” “We did, my son, we did!”Nelson Mudaliar
This is what a Missionary is! Someone great said, “Preach, preach, preach always preach but use words only when necessary.” For me to be a Missionary (which I hope and pray to be) is to Radiate God through my life.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
Nelson Mudaliar

. . . . just but a winded key
    Everything that is created is a known reality. Man knows the earth that he lives in is an arena of blessings. These blessings he has renewed to enumerate in some fields a thirty fold produce, in some a fifty fold produce while in some a hundred fold blessings. He has come to learn of the nature of all bodies. Even the sun and the moon in the Milky Way galaxy are no longer mysteries to him.
    His domain and knowledge extends even over exotic creatures like the skunk, ibis, skua and the Aardvark. And his creative power has architectured monumental townships like New York city and Naples. Well, why go far? You could count on our very own ‘garden city’, Banglooru as one of his Noble metropolises that ever existed.
    The world is but a toy winded on this spring called MAN. This toy is made to run by the winding effect of man. His beauty and goodness is unwounded in so many marvellous ways. However, like man in life we too are called to acknowledge amidst all the wonders the silent hand that is winding us to create a better world in the mIlky way, aArdvark and noble Metropolises called I AM.

-Chris Ferreira

Monday, 12 November 2012

All of us are called to be missionaries
“Jesus commands us : go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (mt- 28:19)
               All of us are missionaries from the time we have been baptized and confirmed. Jesus himself calls each of us by name and sends us to proclaim his word to the poor. To be responsible for helping people around us, to learn about god and to come to the knowledge of truth .  We as Christians can do missionary work by giving a good example of our own life. By becoming Christ to others. Our work and deeds must be the image of Christ to the people around us. So let us put on Christ. As st. Augustine says. And be missionaries of Christ to those around us. 
                           Mother Teresa used to say -:”often you can see power lines running alongside the street. Unless current is flowing through them, there is no light. The power lines is you and I. the current is god! We have the power to allow the current to flow through us and thus to generate the light to the world.
                                                                                                                 Cl. JACKSON  SOUZ sdb

god can make you missionary

                                                      GOD CAN MAKE U A MISSIONARY      
                                                                              Cl. Liam sdb
In the Gospel of mark 10:17-22, the rich young man comes to Jesus asking for a way to enter eternal life. But he goes away sad after Jesus tells him to sell all his possessions and follow Him. It seems like money was more appealing to this young man than Jesus. Later on Jesus tells his disciples “it is easy for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for the rich to enter heaven.
                This reminds me of a story one day god fell in love with a young man. And years later this poor man grew old and died. He had no relatives and he lived a simple life. His neighbours gathered around him after his death. He had only a bowl and a few set of clothes as his assets. The question that disturbed the neighbours was who shall pay for his funeral?
                The parish priest was then informed of this death. The parish priest made all the necessary arrangements’ for this man.  The body was taken to the church. There during the sermon the priest spoke about the old beggar. He told the congregation that the dead man has left behind millions of dollars for the church. He would spent his day in prayer and eat the little that he got from the generosity of the people. He had lived a simple catholic life staying close to god.
                We can never say why this old man behaved in such a stupid way. Even after having so much money why he went begging? God’s love is capable of doing anything. It can make the rich poor; the sinners; saints and the can make you a Missionary!