Wednesday, 29 August 2012

missionaries in India

Fr.Adolf Tornquist
Born: 4th December 1887.
Professed: 14th December 1922
Ordained:   20th May 1930.
Died:  20th April 1971.
He was born at Buenos Aires in a very rich family, but gave up all for his vocation. He was ordained a diocesan priest. As a priest, he served as Cardinal Cagliero’s secretary .He became a Salesian missionary in Japan and China.  His served also as the rector of Tardeo and made a great improvement there.

Don Bosco and mission

The focal point between formation and mission.
                                                            By Cl. Mavron Fernandez.
 “I would like to go with you myself but since I cannot do so this constitutions will take my place.” Don Bosco said to Fr. Cagliero.
The constitutions which written by our father and founder Don Bosco explain his characteristic spirit. It is this that presents a harmonious integration of the gospel interaction and concrete life structures. It goes beyond the institutional requirements or norms and highlights the spiritual aspects more than the judicial. Don Bosco made every effort to transfuse his very self into to the constitutions. He taught, formed, guided and led all his Salesians in the pedagogy of the gospel. Not only this he also handed a copy of them to Fr.Cagliero who led the first missionary expedition saying, “Go on, here is Don Bosco coming with you.” This imagery brings to light the tangential point where the formative and the missionary aspect of don Bosco meet.
Don Bosco thus makes it the rule of life for his sons, us Salesians to follow him not leaving us without the grace of Christ and the guidance of Mary our mother.

missionaries in India

The heart of missionaries
                                                By Bryce Rodriguez
You cannot talk about the Salesian history in Goa without the mention of two great Salesians namely Fr. Vincent Scuderi and Fr. Joseph Carreno. These two Salesians though from different countries and had different temperaments had three things in common i.e. the zeal for souls, deep love for Don Bosco and commitment to the mission entrusted to them. Fr.Vincent Scuderi was a fiery man who sought to consolidate the works in Goa and make the Salesians known as they were in Bombay.Fr. Carreno on other hand was a gentle and compassionate missionary who was loved by the confreres and the boys alike. I once remembered my Prenovitiate rector narrate the incident of how Fr.Carreno would sell his blood in order to feed his boys .This greatly touched many hearts. The works of the Salesians is built on the blood of the Salesians pioneers in Goa. Even today his boys {now priests} remember him with fond memories. We thank the lord for them

Thursday, 23 August 2012

the Mission journey of Fr.Aloysius

Fr. Aloysius Ravalico SDB
Born: 06.03.1906
Professed: 14.09.1924
Ordained: 02.04.1932
Died: 17.12.1967
Fr. Ravalico was born in Italy, into a family of seven children. He came to India along with Fr. Vendrame and others.
He founded the mission of Tezpur (Assam). He later came to Goa, where there was a flourishing oratory at Odxel.
He was appointed Procurator of the Diocese of Dibrugargh (Assam) and began evangelizing in Manipur. He died in Mawlai, Shillong. He showed a lot of interest in writing articles and composing poems. Many of his articles appeared in different journals. Let us pay tribute to his memory by being good religious after the heart of Christ – the centre and source of the Salesian Spirit.

the vocation of a PRIEST

The Vocation of a Priest
A soldier had beaten up a priest until he was almost unconscious, and while he kicked him he asked, “What can your Christ do for you now?”   The Priest replied, “He can still give me the strength to forgive you”
The Scripture says, “Many are called, few are chosen.” Among these few, the role of a priest is very much appreciated. He is chosen to spread the goodness and witness to Christ. He is also called to be holy and throw the radiant light of his holiness on the flock entrusted to him to heal, forgive and to bless.
Being human like us, many a times a priest tends to neglect his duties as he gets caught up in schools, technical institutions and social work. He may lose sight of the spiritual needs of the people for which he is ordained.
Let us keep our priests in our prayers that they may respond to the strength and grace which God gives them.
Cl. Sachin Kadam SDB

Friday, 17 August 2012

The Missionary Dimension of Our Vocation

Br. Bryce Rodriguez 
We could see the generosity and the missionary zeal of Don Bosco in the fact that even when there were few Salesians in the congregation he still send missionaries to Patagonia under the able leadership of Fr. Cagliero . The Lord blessed Don Bosco’s generosity with the gift of many vocations during his lifetime. This holds true even of the second successor of Don Bosco: Don Rua under whose leadership the congregation grew and spread and even came to India. Now that we are experiencing a drop in vocations it is a time to think that may be we have neglected our congregation’s missionary dimension or that we are not sufficient witness to the young. God has blessed us with many abundant vocations and now it is the time to do to others what they have done to us knowing full well that God will bless our generosity and at the same time send us many vocations to the Salesian congregation.

India - A missionary heart beats in Nashik post-novitiate

A Report on ANS
(ANS – Nashik) - For the past ten years there has been an active missionary group formed of young Salesians in the post-novitiate community at Nashik. The members have recently written to Fr Václav Klement, General Councillor for the Missions, to update him on the group’s activities and renew their commitment to develop their missionary dimension. They did not have long to wait for Fr Klement’s appreciation and encouragement.

The post-novitiate is about 180 km from Mumbai. This year the Salesian house, called Divyadaan (God’s gift), is home to 51 Salesians in formation: 39 in the first year of philosophy and 12 in the second. Amid the community and private routines of study and prayer there is time, for a group of 14 students, for the missionary group led by Fr Tony D’Souza, a staff member who was himself a missionary in Africa and Kuwait.

“The Missionary group in Divyadaan is a group of young Salesians volunteering even now to work in the Missions”, write the young Salesians, introducing themselves to Fr Klement. “The motto we have chosen for the year 2012-13 is ‘Be my witnesses’.” The group leads the community liturgy on the 11th of each month, the anniversary day of the first Salesian missionary expedition (11th November 1875), by animating the Mass, and leading guided meditation, rosary, adoration and other prayer services. Special attention is given to Missionary Week which runs from 4th to 11th November.

This year the missionary group has started a blog, Divyadaan Missionary, which is updated week by week with resources such as meditations written by the group’s leader, Fr Tony D’Souza. Through this means, the young Salesians keep in contact with missionaries they know at first hand.

With great interest, the group reads the Missionary Bulletin Cagliero11, produced by the Missions Department, and has followed the work of the recent Study Days on Salesian Presence among Muslims. Fr Savio D’Souza, Rector of the post-novitiate, warmly supports the initiative. Delighted by the enthusiasm of the group, Fr Václav Klement wrote “I thank the animators for their effective guidance of this very important initiative! This has happened two years after my visit to Nashik and a year after the appeal of the South Asian Salesian Provincial Conference to set up missionary groups in all provinces beginning with the houses of formation. Prayer for the Missions and new missionary vocations, together with continued sensitivity to the missionary dimension of the Church and Salesian Congregation are the two main characteristics of a missionary group”, wrote Fr Klement, welcoming the fact that the Nashik group keeps contact with other formation houses in India. Quoting the Second Vatican Council, which reminds us that “The pilgrim Church is missionary by her very nature”, Fr Klement exhorted the young Salesians to nourish “the same missionary zeal of Don Bosco, who lived for the salvation of young people around the world”.  Published 14/8/2012

Saturday, 11 August 2012

An Encouraging Word from Fr. Vaclav Klement

Dear members of the missionary group in Nashik! (Province of Mumbai, INB)
I rejoice together with the group's missionary activities relaunched as “Divyadaan Missionaries”. I thank the animators for their effective guidance for this very important initiative!  This has happened after two years since my visit to Nashik, and a year after the appeal of the South Asian Salesian Provincial Conference to set up missionary groups in all provinces beginning with the houses of formation.
 The prayer for the Missions and new missionary vocations, together with continued sensitivity to the missionary dimension of the Church and Salesian Congregation are the two main characteristics of a missionary group.
I also hope that the missionary group of Nashik will keep in touch with other groups in the formation houses of India, starting with Dimapur in the North East to South Aluva in Kerala.
The Vatican Council II has left us a precious legacy of the 'Church that is missionary by nature.' I urge you to form your hearts and minds during the three years of post-novitiate in this light. Thus you will experience the same missionary zeal of Don Bosco, who lived for the salvation of young people around the world.
Fr. Vaclav Klement
Councillor for the Missions

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Salesian Vocation - A Missionary Vocation

 As Christians all of us are called to be missionaries, keeping in mind the missionary mandate of Jesus, “go into the whole world and proclaim the good news…” Jesus was himself sent by the Father on a mission to redeem our world and he will always be the epitome of missionary fidelity, faithful as he was unto his last breath. As Salesians of Don Bosco, we belong to congregation that is missionary in its nature, Don Bosco had ã number of missionary dreams which continue to be fulfilled. As sons of a dreamer, let us take up the challenge to be missionaries to the young of today. 

Long live Don Bosco! Long Live the Salesian Missions!

Monday, 6 August 2012

Faith – Not An Instant Solution.

Br. Bryce Rodrigues

Faith why keep faith in god when things don’t work out? this is a typical question faced by those people who feel let down when you place maximum trust in the Lord and the grace sought was not granted this is the time to they feel angry and dejected .No amount of love and enjoyment can remove this inner dejection which is so often remains in our life and affects our relationship with god . Rather when things don’t go your way have faith that the lord has prepared a place better than you would have expected. In our fast changing world we want everything instant like Instant coffee, soup etc, but faith has to be built layer by layer as we grow in our relationship wit h God. Thus our faith in God will help us to cope with any hardship and this will not lead us to despair. Our faith must be lively one which flows into our life dealings with others.